Permanent Makeup

Powder Brow/Microshading


Powder brows can have so many final looks. This is actually the method the majority of clients choose for a streamlined easy morning routine. The best way to describe this result is the look you give yourself when you pencil or fill your brows in with regular brow pencil or brow pomade. I can get them to fade or ombre, be as dramatic or natural as you like! What ever your preference, it will save you so much time and you’ll feel your best! This includes your 8 week, perfecting and fine-tuning appointment!



Microblading is done a little different with a different technique to create individual hair-stroke like look. Most people choose this look to appear more natural and fill in spaces where little to no brow hair grows. The caveat with this technique is that microblading can only be done two times in a life time as to prevent scar tissue; AND is only suitable for those with NON-oily skin. Naturally oily skin will blur the strokes making them appear patchy. What ever your preference, it will save you so much time and you’ll feel your best! This includes your 8 week, perfecting and fine-tuning appointment!

Combo Brow


This is the baby of micro blading and micro shading! Sometimes you just want some hair strokes even if you’re not a candidate for the microblading. Strategically placed strokes at the head of the brow with some shading at the tail will give you a bold, beautiful and defined brow. What ever your preference, it will save you so much time and you’ll feel your best! This includes your 8 week, perfecting and fine-tuning appointment!


***$50 Scheduling fee is needed to book any PMU service. The fee is applied to your service total at checkout. It will be forfeited upon no call/no show; a new scheduling fee will need to be paid for rebooking a missed appointment. I require a 48 hour notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment to avoid a loss of your scheduling fee. ***

What if I change the color of my hair often?

Your brow color is chosen on your skin tone and undertones. You will of course yield different results when you change your hair color; none the less your brows will be a complimentary color to your skin and your desire.

Is it painful?

Everyones’ pain tolerance is different. I do numb you for ease of comfort. Most feel a “brow plucking” sensation and others don’t feel any pain at all.

How permanent is PERMANENT?

The procedure for applying permanent cosmetics introduces pigment under the first layer of skin and can not be washed off, therefore is classified as permanent. However, fading does occur over time depending on how you take care of your skin; like wearing sunscreen, regimented routine skincare; and other environmental factors, etc., This is why required periodic touch ups are necessary. A good rule of thumb is touch ups are needed when you feel the need to pick up your makeup pencil and add more. How soon you will need a touch up varies, though it is usually between 2-3 years for Powder/Combo Brows or 1 year for Microblading after the 2nd final appointment has been completed.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Depending on the procedure you received, your lifestyle, environmental factors, and how well you take care of the work that's been done, ​is usually between 2-3 years for Powder/Combo Brows or 1 year for Microblading after the 2nd final appointment has been completed before needing a touch up.

What if I want something changed after my initial appointment?

Corrections and minor adjustments can be made at the second fine-tuning appointment. If an area needs to be added to, color depth, or you would like something removed, this is all done at the 2nd appointment. If after the second fine-tuning appointment, and you’re healed result is still needing another session, only a tray fee of $50 will be charged. My clients happiness is my top priority.

Can I afford it?

This is a question clients often ask themselves, the answer is yes. Most of us spend $5 a day on a cup of coffee or other vices. In a 2 year period that is $3,650, $150 per month! Microblading and other brow services I offer will cost you $18.75 per month over a 2 year period! Not only will you save money on not buying brow makeup, but you wont have to struggle putting on your brows in the morning saving you 91.25 hour a year to enjoy other things in life! Invest in yourself, let me help you feel like the best version of yourself with some amazing brows, eyeliner and more!

What if I hate it?

While likely that you’re in “brow shock,” every measure is taken to ensure you like the shape and color of your brows is exactly what you want. I won’t even start the tattoo until you’re satisfied with the pre-draw and color selection. If after you’re healed and “brow shock” has wore off, I will remove my work complimentary; however, I will not reapply anymore work on you afterward.

What is “brow shock?”

When we are finished with the appointment your brows will look 30-40% darker and your brows will be swollen and appear larger than you signed off. As we all know brows make the face and enter the room before you even do! This procedure is a drastic change understandably. We will go over this phenomenon during your appointment, and I will keep reminding you to trust the process. There is an initial healing period after each procedure. The swelling will of course subside, the color will fade significantly and you will heal with the brows we pre drew in your initial appointment. I do tend to tattoo conservatively as I can always go back in and add more color or make adjustments; It’s a whole new procedure and harder to remove work.

How long does it take?

Depending on the procedure you request the appointment can take as little as 1 hour to as long as 3. I do not like to rush myself or you during the process therefore I only schedule 3 clients maximum per day. In the initial procedure, we go over health history intake paperwork together; mapping and pre draw, aftercare, and the actual application. The initial appointment is longer; touch ups are shorter as we will only be making minor adjustments. The satisfaction of end results and your safety are my number 1 priority. All my clients agree to the time frame upon booking. A cancellation for this reason will result in losing your deposit and require an additional deposit to book with me again.

What should I do before the appointment?

Before any Permanent makeup procedure no alcohol or caffeine should be consumed the day before or the day of. The reason being is because it could result in more bleeding, swelling and the numbing products may not be as effective causing more discomfort and healed results uneven. Retinols & fish oil supplements need to be stopped two weeks prior to the appointment

If I have a medical condition can I still have Permanent Cosmetics done?

Not all heath condition will effect your ability to receive a Permanent Cosmetics procedure. With that being said, I do need to know if you have any. Although most of the time I can have you get a Dr. note saying its OK, there are some health conditions that will rule you out for safety reasons. This does not mean you will never be able to get the procedure you desired, it may just need to be put on hold depending on the medical condition to ensure your safety.​ For example, oncology patients will need to be off chemo for one year; same for pregnant or breast feeding, or those on oral or topical acne medications. Diabetics will require a Dr. note. Rosaeca need not be in a flare up and topicals need to be finished one month before work can be done. Those with open lesions, breakouts or sores cannot be worked on at all and need to be rescheduled. Some anti-depressants can affect the healed results color, but considered in the color choice during the initial appointment.



Botched brow? Poor choice when you turned 18? Ex- Boy friend or Girl friend name? I will remove it for you! Removing previous work takes time depending on a few factors such as depth, size, and skin condition. Sometimes multiple sessions are needed before new work can be applied over it. Each session is spaced 8 weeks apart from either the next removal session or new work being added-this is a marathon and one that should be considered taking in the Fall/Winter months as to avoid sun exposure, water exposure from the pool/lake, sweating; and ease of coverage while you heal between appointments as well as sanitation.